Sunday, August 2, 2015


안녕하세요. Why hello there, abandoned little blog. I am here to fill you again before leaving you to strand again for a few months. I never should have made promises I couldn't keep. I apologize, my little blog. I'll probably just talk about my second semester, since that's the only thing worth mentioning now that i have been inactive for a month. I knew I should have gotten a part time job. Sigh. Well, being pampered at home isn't so bad after all. I get to sleep in(not entirely true). Alright. 

Honestly. I didn't want any part of this. I wasn't about to make a fool out of myself "performing" for others. I have my senior to thank. It's through her constant invitation that I decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did. I would have been such a fool if I had let this slip. I guess I did end up "performing" for falling a few times, growling at the opponents at times and maybe committed violence against some of them. Miss Jay was there with me although she was on the other team. Reminds me Form 6 PLCS, good times. I promise to do my best every year as long as I am still a degree student. You can count on me PPKAS. The win has led to free Pizza from two handsome seniors. I'm a lucky girl.

I also didn't want to anything to do with this one. Laughs. I went anyway because none of the non Muslim in my course were going. The girls in my course decided that we should go and represent and we did, Miss Halimatus here borrowed me her dress which I am very grateful for. The dinner party consists of a lot of singing, some dancing, some speeches you wish you'll never hear, some cgpa award presenting(which is stressful), some laughs and lots of selfie. I may have found myself a new crush. PPKAS night. 

This. I was hesitating on going too. Sweats. I went anyway and I had so much fun. I needed the break from all the Computer Programming and Ecology crap. It was my first time going out with people older than me. These seniors took really good care of me. I am blessed. I didn't have to worry about a single thing, they just got my back. It was fun going into an escape room, catching a late night movie, visiting St Anne Church. Penang is a great place. Go with me sometimes?

Laughs. I am very embarrassed to say this but, I was hesitating to go to this camp too. Good Lord. I am so glad I went anyways. I literally left Ecology and Computer Programming behind just to go the camp. It didn't disappoint at all, Mr Adrian did a great job. He brought me nearer to Christ. In fact, everyone here in this picture, they have all brought me closer to Christ and I am forever grateful for that. Big brother Jason. Judith. Joan. Melissa. Philip. Adrian. Elisha. Mr Andre Ong. Your names are engraved on this little heart of mine.

I hate Engineering Skills. But I sure love doing wiring with these two. Just thought I should mention it here how these two are the best team mates I got last semester. I hope we can work together again more in the future. It's not easy being the fast. 

The Hatyai trip. I was looking forward to going. It was my first time leaving Malaysia (well not leave leave and it wasn't that far away anyways) but it was still a first something. I went with my church mates. We had our differences and problems but we got through. That's what being mates are all about right? These people are precious to me. People who make the distance from home shorter, the days til I am home again a little shorter. Thanks for being there. Smiles.

The Family Rally in Penang. This. I was looking forward to. Well the picture above wasn't one from the rally. This is us, being goofballs while having a half day cycling trip before heading back to Perlis. We had much to eat, a nice place to sleep because Adrian's church was kind enough to even fund for us. Lucky kids we were. I am forever grateful for this opportunity. This has certainly had made its changes on me. Thank you. "He makes all things new."

This picture reminds me of how much I hated Engineering skills and how much I suck at drawing stuff. I remember being really frustrated that night, having so much work to do and thinking there was an early class the second day (which was cancelled only on the second day). Big thanks to Chua my cold jokes sister and the handsomely perverted Ee Yeong, you guys saved my life. We probably won't be able to sit like this anymore once we move into the another hostel but hopefully we will be given a chance anyway. Let's work hard again for the next few years.

Go on a picnic with people you are comfortable around. Give them funny punishments and take videos of them doing it. Wake up early to make food for them. Make them sing or write someone's name with their butt while standing in the river. Make great friends in Uni so you can tell your grandchildren about it someday. Take lots of picture, even if the NGs are too much. One day, you will look back and you will smile to yourself like an idiot. Thanks guys for the coursemates I thought I would never have. To think that we were total strangers at first. Laughs.

Having a night out after moving belongings in the big pouring rain. Going for dinner and singing late night Karaoke. Should have went for a movie instead huh? Laughs. 

Had trip to Perak - KL. It was tiring and we almost missed the bus and a ferry. Phew. It was all too close. Going from Ipoh to Lumut to Teluk Intan and of course not forgetting Pulau Pangkor. Had a one night stay at Wei Chin's place plus a luxurious dinner at his restaurant. Traveled to KL the next day and stayed a week at Swing's place before coming home. The one week was a lot of fun and a lot of first times. Pictures can speak for themselves.

Eating this right after the Hot Spring session.

Aren't you too old for this?
 Street Art in Ipoh.

 Bye bye Birdie.

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Friday, March 13, 2015


Holla. Yes. It has come to the point where blogging is fun because the hostel Internet isn't giving me many choices of entertainment. I shouldn't have taken the super fast internet back home for granted. Goodbye sweet child of mine... until June. But seriously though- Fix the damn Internet.

Things done since last update:
1. C Programming & Engineering skills owning me.
2. Received a notice for hostel moving arrangements
3. Played basketball & took Korean classes.
4. PTPTN ;A;

Let's do C Programming first. Remember when I said Engineering is not for me? Well I am starting to think it's true ;A; I have never been so frustrated. You type one single mistake and you will feel like the world has come to an end. (Okay, exaggeration but really.) That was 2 weeks ago and I admit I'm starting to open up a little, at least I can count the area and perimeter of a circle using a program right? Okay. Just shut up Aud. Engineering skills WOOHOO. The main reason why I find this semester really tiring and stressful is because of Engineering Skills. I have a test every 2 weeks and if I screw up, that will be the end of me. The end. Take Engineering Skill they say. It will be fun they say. Why did I believe those people? -Cries well this is only my third week so maybe I haven't got to the fun parts yet. Great. More things to look forward to.

Hostel Moving Arrangements. I don't know what to feel. The rumors have been going around since the last semester but no one paid attention to it because they just think it's impossible and just like any other gullible freshman that I am believed them. Until they actually announced the possibility on Facebook. (Woah Facebook > People) People started freaking out, I freaked out. I mean my hostel might be really far away from everything else but this place has got to be the best one here in Perlis. Don't tell me that you're going to try and take that away from me too? Sure, I mean moving isn't too bad right? At least it's still provided by the University but people you don't understand. I don't mind the moving. I just cannot accept the moving destination. Why move people from the best place to the worst? This is the main reason why the seniors just won't budge and had a petition going around so they won't move us away. All I can say now is- It's going to be another few months until it really happens so I might as well pay it no mind and just deal with what I have to deal with now. (C Programming)

Basketball. I didn't really wanted to join at first. (Well, I never really wanna join anything) but my senior practically forced me into it and I'm glad she did *smiles Our school did all we could and like I said. No Pain No Gain. I got two scarred knees and a whole body of muscle ache but we won hooray. Our school finally got first place after so many years of being a runner up. it's not just about winning. I mean I met a lot of new people, explored some things about Uni, increased social links with people and I guess actually exercised for once? Jumping to the next topic, Korean classes. My song saeng nim is so scary. I am seriously afraid of her. I feel like she might strangle somebody just because we cannot read a random word she points out on the board. Time passes really fast when you're enjoying yourself huh? For those who know me, you probably think I'd go for Japanese instead and you are correct. Japanese was my first choice and apparently it was a few more hundred's first choice as well. I couldn't make the quota but I really had to take a language this semester and so Korean here we go. It's not too bad really. I personally think people who's want to learn Japanese should learn Korean too. Back to the main point. My teacher is scary, I cannot fail her class.

PTPTN, why haven't you send me any money? *Cries I won't be able to pay my fees this semester if you don't. I seriously have no idea what to do. I should give the Perlis branch a call soon. Okay I guess that's really all from me this time. Well at least it's not a random post about glee right? ;)

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Sunday, March 1, 2015


One week back in Perlis and I have learned a few things. One, you never really left. Two, the Internet got worst. Three. Okay there's no three but yeah you get the point. Let me elaborate.

What I meant by never really leaving is that. You come back to your room and it instantly feels like home. Surprisingly. I had no trouble going about. I got back late that nights, unpacked and went straight to bed. It was one tiring day and heck I'm kinda grateful that it was. I was suppose to board the 2PM flight that Monday and I got to the airport around 1PM (woohoo) There was this damn line at the baggage drop and I almost missed my damn flight. But I didn't. If I did, I wouldn't be here right now. Jokes. My second flight got delayed and I thought it was because the plane has not arrived yet. Then I looked outside and they say there were some technical issues with the plane and that kind of scared. ( Did I mention how much I hate flying and I was super tired.) I thought to myself. I will not die here and I didn't. Landed in Kedah and a mutual friend (super nice) offered to drive us back to the hostel. It would have cost a lot if we took the taxi so I was really grateful ( Thanks man )

Oh, the Internet. Let's just say it got to the point where I am spending Sunday afternoon in KFC because the wifi here is so much better than the one back in the hostel. This is one thing that I can never ever get use to. It's so horrible I feel like I can poop jelly beans. (okay, I made that up but hey it would be cool to poop jelly beans.) Oh look. Time's up. Got to run. Laters.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015


Dear Theodore,

This is the open letter you decided to put on our to-blog-list and I have decided to dedicate mine to you.
This might seem like any other regular appreciation post and it might turn out to be but- yeah.
It has to be done. First things first, thank you for driving me around for almost 33 days.
I know. I know. I'll get to driving soon. Give it some time.
From the first Starbucks to the Glee obsession and of course the last night,
it was always a pleasure spending time with you.

I know that we didn't have everything crossed out on that to-do-list
but maybe we can try doing that next time you and I share a long ass holiday.
Which is probably in another year time but hey,
something to look forward to every year.
To make things fair, we did a lot more other stuff that wasn't even on the list.
That should be able to make up for it right?

Do well in your second year and stop locking yourself in your room.
Being in the library is great and all but don't forget to live life.
Stay the modest being that you are and don't hold back.
People have yet to realize your full potential.
See you next year.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

is it too late?

Another week and I'll be leaving home and going back to Perlis. Another week and I will have to face another four months of constant torture. Sure. It was all fun when I first got there (okay maybe not that much fun, hello people? Living in Perlis?) If I were to write a list about the things I hate/dislike about that place. I might as well change the title of this post right now. Times like this got me reminiscing about the good old Pre-U days. Times when I was still ambitious, the fire inside still in flames. Now, when I look at myself. I can only see charcoal. I know that I made this choice for myself. I know I picked everything out for myself and that I am not suppose to regret anything but it's hard. I was young. I was naive. I thought I wanted this but maybe not so much anymore. Maybe, Engineering is just not for me. 

No. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I am doing badly in the first semester rather it's just really stressful and tiring to keep up with everything. Did  I mention that most of my labs and classes are 30 minutes bus trip away? Imagine how early I'd have to get up just to get ready for a 8AM class. Yes, empathize people. I know that the University cannot help it that the Schools and Hostels are so far away from each other but as a student who has to go through and fro everyday, I just can't help but complain a little. Oh, you might think that these reasons are not legit enough for me to quit Engineering so I suggest you to keep reading. Now, tell me one thing. What is it that the 20 year old you cannot live without? Everyone has a different story to tell and people will always have something against you no matter what. 

The 20 year old (soon to be 21) me desire only a few simple things. 

Company. Entertainment. Comfort of my family. 

When I say company, I mean the people I grew up with. People who went through things with me, the ones who supported me and got me to where I am standing now. Friends who I'm familiar with, people who I know will never wrong me in any way, those who actually give a crap about whatever it is that I am going through, those who were willing to stay and most importantly, those who will never judge me. The first thing I thought about entering University is that everyone who made it in are "pure evil super genius monsters" who are only in it for themselves and would do anything just to get to the top and  I'm not going to lie, it freaked me out and I treated everyone really coldly for the first few weeks and the respond was mutual. I have a few close friends of course, at least I have people to have lunch and dinner with, at least I won't have an empty seat beside me during bus trips, at least I won't have to be alone all the time.

Entertainment. For those who are not familiar with Perlis, you should try google-ing it. That's the first thing I did when I found out that I was going to be spending my 4 years at. To make things a little less whiny and b*tch*n, I'm going to go straight to the point. There is just nothing fun to do there. Nothing at all. Not a mall. Not a cinema. Not a life. All I can do is go for guitar lessons, grab a chatime and watch the paddy fields sway. The worst thing about studying so far away from home is the unbearable distance. I see students from Penang/Kedah go home every two weeks and it strikes me. Every. Single. Time. how I would have to wait for another two months to do so. That comfortable bed of mine. My new puppy Ayato-kun. My mother's cooking and my father's constant care. My annoying lovable brother and my first ever best friend who is also my sister. If I'd have to name one person I have to text every single day. It would be my sister. 

Now, I want you to dismiss everything you read above and continue reading. 

First of all, I like Engineering. (It's only my first year, my first semester. I believe it is still too early for me to decide) I'm not saying the units are not hard, they are freaking difficult but hey look, I'm willing to take the challenge. Second of all, I do not mind all the long rides I have to make just to get to class. If you ask me, I actually enjoy them very much. It gives me a chance to clear my thoughts, it forces me to wake up early (healthy lifestyle, good thing I have a great biological clock) and it just calms me down. The view is fantastic, paddy fields or not, it is a beautiful place. Moving on, about the "pure evil super genius" thing I mentioned before. I still think that way, well maybe except the pure evil in it for themselves and would do anything just to get to the top These people I met, my coursemates, housemates and so called sapoh group are the only things getting me through the distance from home. I have them to thank for filling my days with tears and laughter. I must say, no matter where you go, you will find people who will love you for who you are. You will find people who will never ever judge you. The only true thing about the last few paragraphs would be the unbearable distance between family and I. Whenever I stay up too late, they are all I ever think about. Not forgetting to mention the Youth I've joined there, these people really inspire me to do something about life.

The reason why I'm blogging about cheesy/sappy stuff I would NEVER blog about is because of this guy right here. 


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Saturday, February 7, 2015


Guess who thinks she's too old for pretty/girly blogskins. 
Nah. It's just a phase. It will pass. Hopefully.
Here I am blogging from home. 
Another two weeks of intense feed yourself program and it's back to reality.
No. Don't get me wrong. 
Reality is good. It keeps me going. It really does. 
But no matter where you are, 
Home is where the heart is. 
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Monday, September 8, 2014

UniMAP MSK 2014/2015

I made a promise and here I am trying to keep it. Just right before September started, I am officially a U kid. Dad and I boarded the plane on the 31st of August (my first time being on a plane) to KL and then another one to Alor Setar. We then took a taxi and went to stay at a rest house in Kuala Perlis. It was a nice place to stay for the night and to prepare for the worst (registration day). Dad then rented a car and we drove all over Perlis for over 3 hours with the help of the GPS (and some UniMAP kids along the way) what? We had to ask for directions. Had Domino's for dinner (Yes, we do have Domino's pizza here in Perlis) and got back to rest early.

September 01
I woke up really early that day, not sure if I was nervous or if it was just my biological clock putting up a show. I got up and drew the curtains, 6.30 AM and it is still pitch black. No way you'll ever see that in Sabah. Woke dad up when I went in the showers (No, I wasn't singing Taylor Swift) We both got up and left 30 minutes earlier that day.

Dad wanted to have breakfast first so we drove to somewhere around Arau and found this little chinese restaurant there. The food here is cheap. So much cheaper than it is in Sabah. Where can you get Kon Lo Mee for RM3.50 in Sabah? Breakfast ended really quick, it made a little sad. We drove further into Changlun where the main campus is and the GPS made us miss a junction and the next U-turn was a hundred years away. Just after we entered the main campus, my dad made comments about how hot Perlis is and that I should drink more water in the future so I wont't get sick easily. I nodded my head all the way to the parking until I felt something wet in my nose. Blood. Blood. Blood. On my registration day. Dad freaked out on me and made me lay down for a bit and then enhanced his 'drink more water' lecture. This time I couldn't nod so I just said ok ok ok ok ok. The bleeding stopped even before we got a parking because oh god this place is crowded. Everywhere, people roam. We got down and I walked confidently yet timidly towards the registration hall. The PPMS (the ones in charge of the MSK) ushered us to the right halls and to my surprise everything went pretty smoothly. Dad didn't have to go through it with me so he just waited outside bought me this really cute UniMAP keychain. Thanks daddy :3 After that, it was more driving. Lots more. To the hostel (Padang Besar) The closer we got to our destination, the heavier my heart sank. These guys here are quite efficient. We got there early and I got a good spot too. Second floor. Not bad. At least I don't have to climb so high up. The lift was very convenient for my broken luggage. It was 22kg or maybe even more and I made dad bring it upstairs for me (because he won't let me take it) I got to my room and there sat a lady on the bed so I took the other one. She talked about coming from Johor and then my roomate walked in. We become friends :) All this is faith. It doesn't end here. Dad insist we drive back to Kangar which is so far away, just to buy me a table and some electrical stuff. Guilty. Guilty daughter. My dad spent so much money on me and I felt really bad about it. He then sent me back up to the hostel and helped me put on the lock to my wardrobe, he even walked around the campus just to make sure I can survive in this place. He came back telling I can get water from the shop lots there and was my clothes down at the laundry room and had another look around the room. He then got up and was ready to leave. I waved him all the way to the car and tried so hard not to cry. No way am I going to make him feel bad for leaving me here. No way I'm going to let him think I'm not strong enough for this. He got on his car and I waved back at him for one last time and he drove off. I still didn't cry. I packed my stuff and talked to my roomie and then it was time for orientation. That night I saw eye candy and everything seemed a little less depressing.

September 2
Slept at 1AM trying to shower. We have 8 in a house and 2 bathrooms. I am not complaining. The other hostels have it worst. We here in Uniciti are the luckiest bunch. Woke up at 5,30AM and went down to the bustop for the 6.30 AM bus. The queue here is always LONG. So LONG you get fed up after a few times. The fed us breakfast and sent us to the Dewan  2020 in Kangar. Every bus trip we get last  at least 30 minutes. At least. We were supposed to register, receive stuff, and a photo session for the matirx card. This three things took me from 8AM to 5PM because of the LONG LONG **** ASS LONG QUEUE. It was so boring that night. I forgot what they planned for us. I was too busy trying to stay awake. The lack of water and wifi didn't help.

September 3 /September 4
We were asked to swear to always be good kids here in UniMAP and I said sure. Why not? Other than that, it was more 'OMG I am so tired let me sleep' or 'OMG shut up already' until one night, we ere suppose to have a Moral Session where the muslim and non muslim got separated and it somehow turned into a Ko-K promo session. Mr Eye Candy. He was there and for the first time in that week. I stayed awake. Met Jeck's friend form Keningau and the three of us Sabahans rocked that night. What? 3? Oh. Didn't I tell you? Miss Jay was there with me.

September 5
No more 'just let me sleep' session. We went on a trip hooray. We visited a lot of places. But what really planted my roots to stay here was the Library in Pauh. So very beautiful. So very interesting. Nothing like I have ever seen. I am thinking of posting more stuff about the library in the near future. Bear with me. Hres a glimpse of the auditorium.

We had some more lectures that night when I was interupted by one PPMS. He ushered me upstairs and there were already a bunch of girls up there. Oh god. It was our coloured hair. Gee. I dyed my hair black okay? It's not like I'm asking it to fade or anything. I wasn't alone. Miss Jay was there with me. Some of the girls got into conflict with the PPMS and there was crying and a little shouting. I didn't want to get involve. They let us off the hook and made sure we sat somewhere the Canselor won't see us. Good choice. Miss Jay and I got to catch up the night because we were problematic U kids. I got on the bus back to Uniciti and received a messaged from my sister. She remembered my birthday and going through all that was- hard. I got sentimental and cried a little in the bus. My roomie saw me and gave me tissue. My other friends didn't see me. I didn't want them to.

September 6
Got back to the hostel pretty late. Took a bath. Dried my hair and collapsed. My gals her, to my surprise woke me and sang me a birthday song. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I wasn't trying to seem ungrateful but I just couldn't go through with it again. But gals really, you guys made my day. There was no cake, no candles but there was love and a sleepy me.

Went back to bed and left my roomie to clean up. #evilroomie Woke up just before we had to leave to the field. (Not paddy field) so, I got to break a Malaysian Book Record by joining in a human domino event. Sounds quite stupid I know but it was really fun. Everyone of us got a number. Not exactly what I expected but yeah-

Look I even spotted my birth date on this guy I don't even know. Sorry dude.

People Mountain People Sea.

Eye Candy was there too.

Here's a glimpse I guess :)

We were given brunch that day and everyone was hungry. I got on the bus and checked my phone. Eye Candy. My Eye Candy. Text me. He freaking text me. I knew from the start that it was roomie. She took into accounts the good things I said about Eye Candy and she made him send me a birthday message. It was nice. #laughs #taktaumalu I probably scared him shitless. Sorry, it was just a simple compliment.
The concert that night was nice. I had fun. Got back near 2AM and that was the end of my birthday.

September 7
Woke up at 6.30AM. Went back to bed. Woke up an hour later and I was late for the bus. I rushed down to catch the bus to church and luckily it was still there. I followed 3 seniors there and met a few more in the church too. It's been so long since I went to a proper mass and #phew I did it. I wasn't hard. Never fear conflict he say, just act like adults. The seniors are so damn nice I almost cried. One of them drove us down to breakfast and the other two gave us a tour around Kangar.

Food so cheap. I love it here. 
People might think it's really sad to come to Perlis to study because there is just no entertainment around. However, that's not entirely true. This place is really nice. Shop lots. Some small cafes all within walking distance in the hostel.

It looks even better at night.

There's a first for everything. It's all about taking the first step :)

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